Why you shouldn’t wait until you overcome the fear of failure

The belief that we need to overcome the fear of failure to achieve our goals is a common misconception. The reality is that fear is an inevitable part of the human experience, especially when we are challenging ourselves and stepping out of our comfort zones. 

Let’s shift the narrative to embrace fear, acknowledge its presence, and take action despite it. 

In this newsletter, we'll explore the power of acknowledging and facing fears while pursuing our aspirations, understanding the importance of self-validation, and the journey toward embracing our authentic selves.

Fear is a natural response when venturing into the unknown and pushing our boundaries. Whether it's the fear of judgment, embarrassment, or failure, we’re not alone in experiencing these emotions. Understanding that fear is a universal part of the growth process can help us feel more grounded and less isolated in our journey.

Often, the fear of judgment stems from seeking external validation and approval. We have been conditioned to value the opinions of others since childhood. However, it's essential to recognise that our worth and value do not solely depend on external validation.

Don’t get me wrong, I totally have been there myself. The fear of judgement that believed would come from failure used to hold me back and I often still fear it. I was constantly wondering how people managed to take up space and put themselves out there without caring what other people said about them. Fears I had surrounded what other people would think, what if what I put out to the world was cringe, and how will I deal with the embarrassment if I fail in such a public way?

I recently was on TikTok and a woman was speaking about shifting to intrinsic motivations and it was brilliant. According to Frontiers, when we are intrinsically motivated, a person is moved to act for the fun or challenge entailed rather than because of external products, pressures, or rewards. What a game changer. 

Reflecting on our core motivations, our "why," is a powerful tool in navigating fear. When we align ourselves with our true purpose and passion, the opinions of others become less significant. Remind yourself of the positive impact you seek to make in the world, whether it's empowering others or pursuing personal growth - it’s personal to you as an individual.

To my fellow perfections, you may not like hearing it, but overcoming the fear of failure often involves embracing imperfection. Yes, as Hannah Montana says, “everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days” - and she’s right. Setbacks are a natural part of ANY journey. By accepting that not everything will go smoothly, we free ourselves from the unrealistic burden of perfectionism!

Stepping out of your comfort zone may lead to unexpected rewards. As you take the initial leap and put yourself out there, be open to feedback. Positive responses from others can be incredibly encouraging and affirming. Embrace the growth that comes from facing your fears and receiving constructive feedback.

Finally, I also want to address that embracing fear can be an empowering experience. Realising that you can take action despite fear allows you to reclaim control over your decisions and actions. Fear becomes a catalyst for growth and a stepping stone toward self-empowerment.

Seek validation from within, reconnect with your purpose, and celebrate every step of your journey, no matter how small. By doing so, you'll find yourself living a more authentic and fulfilling life.

I’d highly recommend watching this video by Caroline Winkler on external validation: https://youtu.be/hALZgrRR51M

Let me know your thoughts on this newsletter and the video!!! It’s a good one!!


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